Install mqtt mosquitto broker linux (ubuntu) for iot
In this tutorial we will install the mosquitto mqtt broker in linux (server/desktop) and a client in the same machine.
First we need to add the repository:
- sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mosquitto-dev/mosquitto-ppa
Second we need to update
- sudo apt-get update
And then, we install de mosquitto broker
- sudo apt-get install mosquitto
In last we install the client, you can install this in other machine
- sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients
Now, some commands that help you to know what is going on with mosquitto service
It will be helpfull
To stop the service
- sudo systemctl stop mosquitto.service
To start the service
- sudo systemctl start mosquitto.service
To restart the service
- sudo systemctl restart mosquitto.service
To debug the service start like this
- mosquitto -v
Where are the configuration files of service??
In ubuntu normally you can find in
- /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/default.conf
Like this example, open with vim:
- vim /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/default.conf
Here you can change several properties of service, like the port, and many others…
By default the broker will start listening on port 1883
In this example we have 1883 port only for local connection and 8883 for outside connections, we don’t show the lines down “listener 8883” because this example have ssl certificate and have the path and the name of the client, for the tutorial you can leave your like it is.
Now, we can test the service
First we need to create a channel, that will receive the menssages.
This example are made for the broker and client in the same machine.
Open 2 terminals, then in one you type:
- mosquitto_sub -d -t TopicYouWant
Now your broker subscribe the topic TopicYouWant, now you call in other terminal type:
- mosquitto_pub -d -t TopicYouWant -m “The message you want to send”
You can see the first terminal receive the message.
The service is running, and working fine….
Securing with User Password
If you want to secure the connections of your users with username and password, you can do like this:
- sudo mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/passwd <usernameYouWant>
if you want to see what is made, type:
- vim /etc/mosquitto/passwd
And you will see what the command add a line with encrypted password, in the file.
Now go to the config file:
- sudo vim
First type :
- password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwd
Add the line:
#anonymous access, only can receive messages
- topic read $SYS/#
#anonymous only can read topic
- topic read topicYouWant/#
#readwrite to the loop
user <usernameYouWant>
- topic topicYouWant/#
If you want to block all anonymous user you can type:
- allow_anonymous false
Now try sending message again without user and pass, to see what happens.
restart mosquitto
- sudo systemctl restart mosquitto.service
Open 2 terminals, then in one you type:
- mosquitto_sub -d -t TopicYouWant
Now your broker subscribe the topic TopicYouWant, now you call in other terminal type:
- mosquitto_pub -d -t TopicYouWant -m “The message you want to send”
As you can see, the message wasn’t send…
Let’s try with user and password
Open 2 terminals, then in one you type:
- mosquitto_sub -h localhost -u <usernameYouWant> -P <passwordYouType> -t TopicYouWant
Now your broker subscribe the topic TopicYouWant, now you call in other terminal type:
- mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t TopicYouWant -u <usernameYouWant> -P <passwordYouType> -m “message you want send”
As you can see, the message was send…