Vue Bootstrap modal, toast don’t show Why ??????
If your bootstrap-vue modal or Toast don’t work, It is a high probability of this is why. The Opacity of the bootstrap component.Perhaps you can see the
component renders, with the button visible, but when the button is clicked nothing happens.
The solution for :

- Modal
<b-modal id="ModalToDelete" header-class="backcolor" > //important
<p>Are you sure? Want to delete ?</p>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" @click="$bvModal.hide('ModalToDelete')">Anular</button>
</b-modal></template><style scoped> //this resolve the opacity problem, don't forget to add header-class="backcolor" in the b-modal /deep/ .backcolor {
background: red ;
color: white;
}/deep/ .modal-backdrop
opacity:0.8 !important;

- Toast
<div class="p-3 bg-secondary progress-bar-striped" style="min-height: 170px;">
<b-button class="mb-2" variant="primary" @click="$'example-toast')">
Show toast
<b-toast id="example-toast" body-class="toast" title="BootstrapVue" static no-auto-hide>
Hello, world! This is a toast message.
</div><script>export default {
props: {
data() {
return {
text: "",
dismissSecs: 8, //seconds of showing message
dismissCountDown: 0
methods: {
countDownChanged(dismissCountDown) {
this.dismissCountDown = dismissCountDown
showAlert() {this.dismissCountDown = this.dismissSecs
this.$bus.$on('warningFixTop', (data) => {
this.text = data;
<style >//important bold
.toast {
opacity: 1 !important;
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Thanks you guys