Vue bootstrap Modals

João Nascimento
2 min readJan 30, 2021


Example of how to use modals, using the slots for easy reusability, in this example i want to call this component “modal” every time I click in delete button, to confirm if i really want to delete the object…

And resolving the opacity problem of bootstrap.

Modal To confirm delete ModalToConfirm.vue


<b-col align-h="center">
<b-button @click="$'ModalToDelete')" variant="light" block style=" border-color: #ff0000;color: #ff0000;margin: 5px">Delete</b-button>
<b-modal id="ModalToDelete" hide-footer title="Confirmation" :header-text-variant="headerTextVariant" header-class="backcolor" >
<div class="modal-window" style="padding: 20px">

<p>Are you sure? Want to delete <strong v-if="name">{{ name }}</strong> ?</p>

<div class="actions">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" @click="$bvModal.hide('ModalToDelete')">Anular</button>
<slot name="deleteButton"/>




export default {
name: 'ModalToDelete',
name: String, //this name is not necessary, is here only to the modal show to user, what his is about to delete
components: {

return {
headerTextVariant: 'light',
methods: {

console.log("click on cancel");


async mounted () {

console.log('Component modalToDelete mounted.');

<style scoped>
//this resolve the opacity problem, don't forget to add header-class="backcolor" in the b-modal /deep/ .backcolor {
background: red ;
color: white;
/deep/ .modal-backdrop
opacity:0.8 !important;

Now, we have the component with a modal, the next step is do create a parent component, witch will call the component ModalToDelete…

Modal Parent in this case ProductShow.vue


<b-container fluid style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px" >
<b-row v-if="product" style="margin: 0px;padding: 3vw; padding-top: 4vw" align-h="start"><h3>product</h3>
<h5>{{product}}</h5> // show the object product
<ModalToDelete :name="" >
<template slot="deleteButton">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" @click="onConfirmDelete">Confirmar</button>

import ModalToDelete from "@/components/ModalToDelete";export default {
name: "ProductShow",
components: {

props: {
product: { type: Object, default: null },
data() {
return {
loading: false,
watch: {
computed : {
async created() {
console.log("Created ProductShow");
methods: {

async onConfirmDelete(){ //this is called if on modal you agreed to delete the object

try {
this.loading = true;
//PS: to delete the object i'm using the vuex orm plugin
Product.api().delete('product/'+this.productId,{delete: this.productId});

this.$bvModal.hide('ModalToDelete') //this is to close modal after delete
} catch (e) {

this.error = e.message
} finally {
this.loading = false

mounted () {
console.log("Mounted ProductShow");

Please feel free to comment, or ask for tips, I am here to help…

And please follow my medium, and claps…

Thanks you guys

